School Safety
The NAD Office of Education offers a significant amount of resources which can be adapted for local school use.
Click here too access the NAD SCHOOL SAFETY WEBSITE.
Student Safety Policies and Documents
- Emergency Management Planning Guide (BC Conf OE)
- Emergency Management Planning for Schools, Districts and Authorities (BCMOE)
- School Emergency Preparedness Plan
- Documenting Incident Procedures
- Bomb Threat
- Chemical Accident
- Civil Disobedience/Student Disorder
- Earthquake
- Explosion/Threat of Explosion
- Fallen Aircraft
- Fire
- Flood
- Hazardous Materials
- Irrational Behavior
- Loss of Utilities
- Personal Emergencies
- Rabid Animal/Animal Disturbance
- Severe Windstorm
- Stranger or Intruder on Campus
- Weapons Fired