Yearly Principal Checklist
TASKS (Before School Begins)
- Finalize first semester timetable, teacher schedules (high school), and school calendar for the year
- Ensure school readiness – cleanliness and safety considerations
- Meet with staff to lay out general plans and answer questions
- Review with staff protocols for child abuse, sexual harassment, blood-borne pathogens, anaphylaxis
- Plan with teachers for methods/apps for communicating routinely with parents and each other
- Read over and update school handbook and make available online
- Compile list of teacher contact data and job assignments and send to OE
- Send communication to all prospective families to kick off the year
- Ensure emergency plans and procedures for school safety are developed and communicated with staff (See Appendix M under Forms on new OE website)
- Create a schedule for faculty meetings and other regular meetings for the year
- Create a plan for Professional Development days
- Create a schedule for student awards/recognition
- Preparation for orientation week with staff (daily schedule, staff meeting agenda, snacks, lunch break planned for entire staff)
- Preparation for Opening Day with students (student schedule and teacher responsibilities)
- Prepare extra-curricular and committee sign-up sheets
- Prepare options sheets for students to take home
- Plan a time for Meet the Teacher or Back to School event
- Check school first aid kits and sick room supplies
- Arrange for school picture day
- Ensure all teachers have completed Reclaiming Hope on ALC and Encounter if they will be teaching Bible
- Aug 29 – Send Tuition and Registration Dates to OE
- Aug 31- Submit Tuition Assistance Forms to OC (for dependents of employees who are attending post-secondary SDA institutions)
- Aug 31 – Submit copies of MOE External Evaluation Reports to OE for review
- Send out “Welcome Back” letter to parents and staff (before first day of school)
- Collect field trip requests from teachers, ensuring all volunteers have CRC before event; ensure potential drivers/vehicles have clearance
- Collect class schedules from teachers (Elementary)
- Establish crisis management communication protocols
- Hold a Back-to-School event
- Set a date for first parent-teacher conferences
- Meet with school board to present final revised budget for upcoming school year
- Prepare detailed list of students with IEPs and their needs as well as a special education budget
- Begin to prepare draft IEP documents for all students with designations and others who need supports
- Check in with each teacher personally for feedback on how best to support; look over current lesson plans
- Collect sub plans files by mid-month
- Collect year plans (including unit plans) by the end of the month
- Work on MOE evaluation document
- Monitor school website to ensure it’s current
- Sept 1 (or first day of school) – Submit First Day Enrolment Form to the OE
- Sept 1 (or first day of school) – Submit School Calendar, Class Schedules, & Outreach to the OE
- Sept 7 – Submit Local Hires Spreadsheetto the OE
- Sept 9 – Submit Master List of Special Needs Students (for 1701 inclusion) to the OE
- Sept 13 – Submit External Evaluation Reports to MOE (relevant schools)
- Sept 15 – Submit Equipment Allowance Formto OE
- Sept 20 – Send Finance Backups to OE for previous month
- Sept 23 – Submit updated Special Education documentation for new and recently assessed students to OE
- Sept 30 – Submit Opening Report in NAD Dashboard
- Sept 30 – Confirm Mathletics registration with OE
- Collect field trip requests from teachers
- Arrange for administration of FSA exams to grades 4 and 7
- Go over report card format/requirements with teachers
- Begin to plan Christmas concert and staff Christmas party
- Spend at least a few minutes in each classroom and give encouragement to teachers
- Send positive message to families and churches about a great start to the year
- Announce year report card plan and protocols
- Begin Christmas program planning
- Oct 4-Nov 12 – FSA Testing
- Oct 11-12 – MOE Evaluations
- Oct 15 – Meet with parents and other team members of IEP students to establish final IEP documents
- Oct 20 – Send Finance Backups to OE for previous month
- Collect field trip requests from teachers
- Hold first parent-teacher conferences
- Advertise Christmas concert on website and in churches
- Process first of three report cards for K-9
- Prepare IEP reports to go out with report cards
- Decide on venue for Christmas staff party
- Arrange for formal or informal communication of academic progress for 10-12; failure warnings for failing students
- Prepare end-of-semester or mid-term exams (dates of writing, location of writing, teacher supervision, provincial exams)
- Facilitate student week of prayer in consultation with chaplain
- Plan for Open House (January or February)
- Nov 20 – Send Finance Backups to OE for previous month
- Nov 23 – SDABC Special Education Assessment Funding Deadline
- Collect field trip requests from teachers
- Hold Christmas staff party
- Present a Christmas concert
- Lockers cleaned out – planned/organized schedule
- Send parents end-of-semester or mid-term exam schedule
- Send email to parents and staff with Christmas wishes
- Finalize second semester timetable, teacher schedules (high school)
- Dec 20 – Send Finance Backups to OE for previous month
- Collect field trip requests from teachers
- Prepare for exams (desk movement, supervision schedule)
- Review IEPs and meet with teams if concerns arise; update student goals
- Process first semester report cards for grades 10-12; include IEP reports
- Prepare for awards program
- Work on NAD evaluation documents
- Hand out Teacher Employment Intent Form (Due Feb 2)
- Jan 15 – Submit Tuition Registration Information for Charitable Receipts to OE
- Jan 20 – Send Finance Backups to OE for previous month
- Collect field trip requests from teachers
- Meet with personnel committee regarding teacher recruitment for next year; consider contribution article/photos/communique to OE regarding positive events to date
- Begin to work on preliminary budget for next school year
- Develop school calendar for next year
- Meet with staff and/or board to consider possible school handbook revisions
- Work with K-9 teachers to prepare second trimester report cards; include IEP reports
- Continue working on NAD evaluation documents
- Begin to prepare for graduation; monitor Grade 12 students to be on track for graduation
- Feb 2 – Teacher Employment Intent Forms due to OE
- Feb 11 – Submit Snapshot of MOE 1701 to OE
- Feb 18 – Submit MOE 1701 to OE
- Feb 20 – Send Finance Backups to OE for previous month
- Feb 22 – Submit CAT4 Order Form to OE
- Feb 28 – Submit SDABC Above & Beyond Nominations, SDABC Friend of Adventist Education Nomination Form, and SDABC Volunteer Nomination Form to OE
- Collect field trip requests from teachers
- Work with Gade 10-12 teachers to plan formal or informal midterm reports of student academic progress; include IEP reports
- Meet with each teacher at least briefly to encourage and seek ways to best support
- Discuss with school board possible methods to increase student recruitment
- Prepare materials for CAT4 tests
- Mar 15 – SDACC Excellence in Teaching Award Nomination Application due to SDACC
- Mar 20 – Send Finance Backups to OE for previous month
- Collect field trip requests from teachers
- Facilitate spring week of prayer in consultation with chaplain
- NAD Evaluations (date to be determined)
- Arrange administration of CAT4 tests
- Plan parent-teacher conferences or student-led conferences
- Apr 19 – 29 – CAT4 Testing
- Apr 20 – Send Finance Backups to OE for previous month
- Apr 30 – Deadline for schools to receive admission documentation for new students with known special needs.
- Collect field trip requests from teachers
- Complete graduation plans
- Prepare end-of-semester or final exams (dates of writing, location of writing, teacher supervision, provincial exams)
- Coach teachers in preparing student self-assessments
- Ask staff members to submit a list of maintenance items to be completed over the summer months and classroom resources required for the next school year.
- May 1 – Preliminary budgets due to OE
- May 4 – Deadline to send CAT 4 tests to the OE
- May 15 – Support Staff list for following school year should be voted
- May 15 – Submit Mathletics requests to OE
- May 15 – Submit Audit forms to OE
- May 20 – Send Finance Backups to OE for previous month
- May 30 – Submit MOE 1701
- Collect field trip requests from teachers
- Create first semester timetable (next year), teacher schedules (high school)
- Process end-of-year reporting for K-12, including final report cards, IEP reports, student self-assessments
- Study CAT4 results and make plans/goals for future
- Arrange final exams
- Prepare for awards program
- Conduct graduation ceremonies
- Hold post-session with staff
- Arrange for any staff farewells
- Send last email of the year to parents and staff – happy holidays
- Assign and collect inventories for all parts of the school (if not done last year); textbooks, supplies, assets, equipment
- Compile book orders for next school year
- Prepare list of maintenance items to be completed over the summer months
- Jun 20 – Send Finance Backups to OE for previous month
- Jun 21 – SDABC Special Education Assessment Funding deadline
- Jun 30 – Submit Closing Report on NAD Dashboard
- Jun 30 – Update PSR files
- Jun 30 – Submit updated inventory list to OE
- Jun 30 – Collect Teacher Checklists
- Jun 30 – Submit Principal Year-End Checklist to OE